Download the Phone Tree Test Report template here.

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About this template

  • A phone tree test report can be completed after a phone tree test so you can monitor progress and improvement over time.
  • A phone tree test helps familiarize members of your team with how to implement the phone tree.
  • A test will also familiarize your employees with how they will be contacted during a disruptive incident and/or civil emergency.
  • The phone tree test will help validate your contacts and their contact details.
  • You may also decide to restructure your phone tree if contacts cannot be reached in a timely manner.

What is the phone tree test report template

The phone tree test report template is a very simple document. For audit purposes, always remember to identify the version of the phone tree you are using for the test, then note the name of the person you are contacting, the time you tried contacting them and whether contact was successful in the report form template.

After the phone tree test you can document any issues experienced (such as invalid contact details) and the improvement actions needed to resolve these issues. Timing the implementation of your phone tree test will allow you to see whether employees can be contacted in an efficient manner or whether your phone tree needs to be restructured.

Other relevant templates available to download

Supporting Information


The primary purpose of a phone tree test is to ensure the contacts in your phone tree are accurate and their contact details are up-to-date. Tests also allow you to check whether you can contact employees quickly so when an incident occurs, you will be able to contact your employees and give them guidance in a timely manner.

Top Tip


For each phone tree test you do, document the start and end time of the test and the number of staff successfully contacted. This will provide you with a key performance indicator, allowing you to make continuous improvement so you can measure whether your phone tree is getting better with each test.

For more information on Business Continuity, we very much recommend looking at the Business Continuity Institute’s Good Practice Guidelines.



Employees and their contact details are constantly changing. If you do not regularly review and test your phone tree, there is no guarantee you will be able to contact employees during a disruptive incident or event that threatens staff welfare.